The clinical term for gum disease is periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is chronic, non-curable bacterial infection affecting the gum tissues and bone that requires ongoing therapy like scaling and root planing followed by periodontal maintenance every 3 months. An estimated 50% of the population has periodontal disease according to Center for Disease Control. Uncontrolled periodontal disease can negatively affect: diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, preterm and low birth weight babies, pneumonia and COPD.
Non surgical treatment of gum diseases is performed with a Cavitron. Once the treatment is completed we are able to control the disease with regular periodontal maintenance cleanings every 3 months. Once the resolution is achieved it needs to be maintained. Research shows that periodontal patients who do not receive treatment are more likely to lose two to three time more teeth than individuals without periodontal disease.