Oral Surgery

Tooth Extraction:

Our goal at Ranchview Family Dentistry is for patients to keep their teeth for a lifetime. However, some teeth may need to be extracted due to a long standing infection, severe fracture, trauma, severe gum diseases or orthodontic treatment.

Wisdom Teeth/3rd molar Extraction:

Most people do not have enough room in their mouth for wisdom teeth due to evolutionary changes in our jaw bones. Therefore they become impacted or partially erupted.

Risks of keeping 3rd Molars are:

  1. Periodontal disease
  2. Pericornitis infection
  3. Cavities
  4. Cysts/Tumors
  5. Risk of jaw fractures, especially while playing sports. 

Home-care Following Tooth/Wisdom teeth Extractions:

Anesthesia – you can expect to experience numbness for a few hours after the procedure depending on the type of anesthetic used and the amount and location of the injection.

Bleeding – A gauze pack will be placed at the time of the extraction over the site of the tooth that was removed. This pack should be left in place for at least 30 minutes after you leave the office. Do not chew on the pack. There may be some oozing after the pack is removed. If the site is still bleeding, place additional gauze over the site. Apply moderate pressure while closing the teeth over the gauze. Maintain this pressure for an additional 30 minutes. If the pad becomes soaked with blood, replace it with a clean one. If heavy bleeding continues beyond 1 hour, please call your doctor.

Clot – After an extraction, a blood clot forms within the socket which is a necessary part of the healing process.  Smoking, spitting, using a straw, or rinsing should be avoided. Any mouthwash or alcoholic beverage should also be avoided to prevent dissolving the clot. These things will lead to a dry socket and extend your healing time and pain experience. Avoid all activities that may disturb the clot for next 24 hours. Do not clean the teeth next to the extraction site for 24 hrs. Limit strenuous activities for 24 hours. Sutures may be self dissolving or may require a visit on the 3rd day for removal, depending on the type used.

Medication – Any medication prescribed should be used as directed. Do not increase dosages unless directed to do so by the doctor. If you have prolonged pain, swelling, bleeding or fever, call the doctor. If your doctor cannot be reached, go to the emergency room.

Swelling and pain – After the tooth is removed, there will be some discomfort and some swelling. You can help reduce swelling and discomfort by applying a cold compresses to the face. Place a towel between the face and ice pack to prevent a burn.

Diet – After the extraction, avoid alcoholic beverages and hot or cold liquids. Eat soft nutritious foods and begin eating solid foods the next day. For about two days, try to chew foods on the opposite side of the extraction site.

Rinsing – After 24 hours begin very gently rinsing your mouth with warm salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 8 oz. glass of warm water). Rinse after each meal. Avoid rinsing vigorously and avoid using a mouth rinse during the healing period.

Oral Care – It is important to continue to brush at least twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and clean between your teeth daily with floss. Immediately following an extraction, avoid cleaning the teeth near the healing tooth socket. Always use a soft bristle tooth brush to brush the rest of the teeth and finish by brushing the tongue. This will help eliminate bad breath and unpleasant taste that can occur after an extraction.